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Friday, December 18, 2015

Moment of Truth

moment of truth

Def :-  a time when a person or thing tested, a decision has to be made, or a crisis has to be faced

Following is a single page story inspired from real life incidents, will make you think, who you are...

Present Day in the life of Our Hero.

The chillness in the air was boosting up the early morning sleep of our Hero. Still the noise of the heavy rain outside was loud enough to wake him up. As everyday, the first thing our Hero did was to check his whatsapp. The expected relief for him was that his office declared holiday due to heavy rain. It also made him worry about the compensatory working on upcoming Saturday.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Are We Truly Independent...?

Happy Independence Day…

I started writing this blog with a strong guilt and full of sadness.

By the time of our Independence Day on 2013, I wrote a blog post in which I expressed about few stories of our freedom struggle which affected me. By the end of the blog post I also committed myself that I will do at least something that will be towards the goodness of this nation.

Click here to view the older post.

Now it has been 2 years since then, but I’ve not done anything significant yet towards my commitment. Every year this very day, the same thought haunts me that I’ve not done anything significant. But still, I have to accept the fact, move over the guilt, think about and understand why I was unable to do anything about it. That’s what this post is about.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Must Watch Video...

We all should learn from them....

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Cause of Rape...

Happy Women’s Day……!!!!!

Let me start this post on a positive note.
  • Nation have at-least accepted that Rape is a serious problem in the community.
  • We've also started discussing about the cause of this issue and about how to address the same.

However what I found disturbing was the 2 prominent opinions coming from different sides regarding the cause of a Rape.
  • The Dressing sense of modern girls are provoking Rape.
  • The anti-rape laws are not very stringent in this country which fails to stop rapists from doing so.
Both the causes are not justified completely. Let’s discuss on the most ridiculous statement first, about the dressing sense.